Fighting Cancer with Fitness: Nic Wilson’s Story and the F45 Challenge Battle Cancer Takeover

In 2021, F45 Athlete Nic Wilson faced a challenge greater than any fitness goal: he was diagnosed with cancer. His journey through treatment, recovery, and mental perseverance offers a powerful testament to the role of fitness in both physical healing and emotional resilience. As we approach the F45 Challenge and the global Battle Cancer Takeover, Nic’s story reminds us why fitness is more than just a workout—it’s a lifeline.

F45 Challenge

Q: What role did fitness play in your cancer recovery?

Nic: During most of my cancer journey, I felt powerless over my diagnosis. It was like my life was spiraling out of control. My new physical limitations and time away from the gym gave me a profound appreciation for any physical exercise I could manage. Once I was in recovery, my workouts became benchmarks, helping me rebuild not just physically, but mentally and emotionally.

The forced time away from the gym lit a fire in me. I was determined to show up every day, even if it was just to be one percent stronger than the day before. My battle with cancer deeply affected my mental health, but moving my body alongside my incredible community has played a crucial role in my overall well-being. They cheered me on every step of the way, and I strive to show up for them in return.

Q: What year did you finish treatment?

Nic: I completed nine weeks of chemotherapy in 2021, but had a recurrence, which led to a retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND) surgery in late 2022. Now, I’m in surveillance, going in for check-ups and scans every few months. I still experience a few unpleasant side effects from the treatment and surgeries, but they’re daily reminders of how far I’ve come. I’m genuinely grateful just to be alive.

Q: How did you stay strong and "battle cancer" in your journey?

Nic: There’s a famous quote: “You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice.” That sums up cancer perfectly. As terrifying as the diagnosis was, quitting wasn’t an option. The battle was just as much mental as it was physical. A strong mindset can really shape your overall journey.

I went through most of my treatment during lockdown, so there was a strict no-visitor policy at the hospital. I had no one to hold my hand through the painful parts. Like many others, I had no choice but to dig deep and march into that chemo ward as the warrior I had become—not just for myself, but for my loved ones who were fighting alongside me in spirit.

I was blessed with the most supportive partner anyone could ask for. Michael was my guardian angel. He changed my bandages, surprised me with my favorite snacks, and gave me strength when I had none left. Although he’s no longer here physically, I owe it to him to keep fighting for the rest of my life.

Q: What do you want to say to anyone facing a challenge, physical or otherwise?

Nic: Doing your best looks different every day, and that’s okay. Everyone’s fighting their own battle, so it’s important to be kind to yourself. Challenges are full of ups and downs, but growth happens in the process. Each step, even the setbacks, teaches you something valuable.

Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle. Consistent effort, no matter how small, builds momentum. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Lean on your community, your friends, and your family. We’re not meant to face challenges alone. Let others be part of your journey.

Nic’s story shows us that fitness is more than physical. It’s about fighting for your health, your mind, and your life. This F45 Challenge, we invite you to join our global community in the Battle Cancer Takeover, where we’ll raise funds to fight back against cancer together. Join now at your local participating studio!

Want to make an impact now? Purchase the Battle Cancer Takeover tee now on the F45 Shop (APAC regions shop here), with proceeds going to our cancer partners around the world. Your support fuels the fight, and together, we’ll make a difference. Questions about the experience or funds? Check out the FAQ’s here.


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