Fact or Fiction: Your Weekly Nutrition Roundup

February 29th 2024 | Ashleigh Kidd, RD, LDN

Hey team! Back here again to separate fact from fiction when it comes to nutrition. Want your burning questions answered? Head to our IG (@f45Training) every Thursday during Challenge to play Fact or Fiction and submit your nutrition questions to be answered by your Challenge Dietitian!

Alright, let’s play! 

Fact or Fiction: «Eating too few calories is not ideal for fitness goals or a healthy lifestyle»


Under-fueling can result in:

  • Feeling out of control around food. Do you ever get home from work and feel like you’re grabbing for everything but the kitchen sink? When you don’t eat enough during the day, it’s highly likely when you finally get around food you’re going to feel quite out of control. You’ve passed “I could eat” and it’s more like “IM STARVING”. When this happens, you’ll likely overeat because your hunger cues are a bit out of whack and you don’t have time to slow down and mindfully prepare a meal or snack. Eating enough during the day, consistently, can help with this out of control feeling.
  • Lack of energy. Are you hitting that 2-3pm slump? Eating consistently throughout the day, making sure that you’re eating enough, and getting a variety of macro and micronutrients at your meals are key. Check out our How to Build a Balanced and Satisfying Plate blog to learn how to balance your plate to feel your best.
  • Increased thoughts about food. When we are under-fueled, skip meals, or perhaps cut out on certain macronutrients or foods, you can almost always bet on having increased thoughts about those foods. Always thinking of what you’re going to eat next, or maybe what foods or meals you have “off-limits”. It may seem the most “normal” to skip and cut foods out to reach your health goals because that’s likely what you grew up hearing from family, friends, and media. But in reality, this only harms your relationship with food and doesn’t serve you physically or mentally. Fueling your body, having a positive relationship with food, and reaching your health goals can all co-exist. Here’s a blog on where to start: “Removing “Good/Bad” Food Labels”.

Fact or Fiction: «Labeling & thinking of certain foods as “bad” or “off-limits” actually increases the desire for that food»


I can probably bet you’re familiar with food labels in one way or another, maybe without even realizing it! We’ve all seen or heard about foods, like salad, labeled as “good” or “clean” and other foods, like pizza, labeled as “bad”. Unfortunately, diet talk is so normalized and is part of daily conversation. For example, “I was so bad this weekend. I need to make up for it today.” You may have heard this from your parents growing up, friends, family, TV, or social media.

Here’s where the issue lies:

When we eat something we’ve labeled as “bad”, this often leads to guilt or shame. When we eat something “good”, we feel great about ourselves… until we eat something “bad” again. The reality is food has NO moral value– it’s just food. Some foods are more nutrient dense, and some aren’t. In fact, labeling food as “bad” or “off limits” actually increases the desire for that food and you end up putting that food on a pedestal.

This may lead to:

  • increased or obsessive thoughts about that food
  • increased consumption of that food when you restrict or cut it out. When you’re finally around that food, like at a special event or a birthday party, you might eat as much as you possibly can because you don’t know when the next time you’ll allow yourself to eat it.

Are we saying to only focus on less nutrient dense foods? Of course not. But we are saying it’s okay and normal to incorporate your favorite foods without guilt and without derailing your goals.

Fact or Fiction: You need protein powder to reach your fitness goals»


Protein powder can be a great and convenient tool to assist with overall protein intake. That being said, protein powder is sometimes marketed as essential, magical, and the end all be all when it comes to muscle gains and/or fat loss, with false claims and promises sometimes attached.

Overall, supplements might not hurt, but if you’re eating a balanced diet, you are likely getting the protein and other nutrients you need from food, and protein powder isn’t always necessary.


Have you ordered your meals for the remainder of Challenge? Check your area here for suppliers here.

For additional nutrition and wellness support, you can always check out F45 Articles for tips on how to improve your nutrition and relationship with food. 


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