Meet Kristyna, Our C23 Global Winner

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1. Why did you sign up to the F45 Challenge?

I signed up to F45 challenge because I wanted to try something new and mainly I liked the dynamic training (which I tried a week before the start of the C23). But I honestly had no idea that the F45 and the whole concept would earn my heart so much that it would become a daily addiction.

2. What kept you motivated throughout the 8 weeks?

The driving engine throughout the 8weeks was definitely the coaches who train in Prague. I would like to thank them so much because without them I would not be able to do it. They always pushed me in the right direction and forced me to do my best. And of course, a great community of amazing people, training that gives you awesome feeling and simply loves for a lifetime that you don’t want to give up.


3. What advice would you give to the next Challenger?

My advice is don’t give up and try to make the most of yourself, although some phases of the challenge will be pretty challenging.


4. What was your favourite thing about the F45 Challenge?


Simply EVERYTHING !!! (whole concept, training, the community of awesome people, coaches and the supply of interesting and tasty recipes)

5. What part about the Challenge did you find most challenging and how did you push through it?

The hardest part of the whole process was to keep preparing food and sticking to the diet. However, I was super excited about great and delicious recipes. If I had any questions or concerns, I always found understanding and great advice from coaches who motivated me to push through it.


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