F45 Halls Head: Where Strength Prevails

By Susan Ciancio

Resilience and life-altering workouts rule the day at F45, and F45 Halls Head is no different! In our latest Functional Unleased video, we introduce you to this F45 community, located in a coastal town in western Australia. Here, strength of mind and body are evident throughout the gym and in the lives of gym members who share some amazing stories. 

Coach Jeff leads the members, who proudly proclaim that he refers to them as athletes. This does wonders for their self-esteem, and it gives them the positive attitude they need to power through their workouts. 

First, we meet Lisa, who refers to herself as an “oldie” because she’s over 50, but she has not allowed her age to deter her from working out or accomplishing her goals. She encourages other older people to just “turn up” for the class, and she assures them that they will not feel inadequate because of their age. 

Lisa goes on to explain that vertigo and the resulting dizziness had wreaked havoc on her life. She was to a point where she was constantly nauseated and even had difficulty sitting. Wanting to take control of her illness, she joined the F45 gym and found that her symptoms began to abate. She is now at the point where she doesn’t even notice the dizziness anymore, and she credits the F45 workouts with helping her overcome this health crisis.

Mick was a soccer player whose wife encouraged him to join F45. He had fallen into a party lifestyle, and he knew he needed a change. She encouraged him to just attend the week free trial; he did, and he was hooked. Now four years later, he encourages anyone thinking about joining F45 to take the plunge.

We then meet Barbara, who is a two-time breast cancer survivor. After multiple surgeries, chemo, and radiation, she felt that her body was “shattered.” When she joined the F45 gym, she was weak and had been on so many meds that they caused her to lose bone density. Always experts at meeting people where they are and helping them grow in strength, the F45 trainers worked with her to rebuild her body. 

As many older women know, loss of bone density after age fifty is a normal thing. But just because it’s normal doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it. Through weight training and the exercises at the F45 gym, Barbara was actually able to regain some bone density! Her doctors were amazed at her progress, and Barbara feels better now than she has in years. 

These are just some of the amazing stories and people you will find at F45 communities around the world. Though these individuals and their stories are unique to F45 Halls Head, there are thousands more just like them—and just like you! 

We encourage you to watch these Functional Unleashed videos to see for yourself. We believe their inspirational stories will motivate you, and through their stories of strength and determination, you will see that you, too, can become healthier and stronger. 

If this sounds like a community you would like to be part of, visit our site to find an F45 gym near you.


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