Meet your newest F45 workout – Deuces

Emily Sanderson, F45 Athletics | September 2022


Get excited! This brand new workout is the first time F45 will feature two separate workouts simultaneously in one session. This is a split-focused resistance class where you can choose which workout to do; upper or lower body. Once you pick a side, you will complete the entire class on that side of the room. 

Each separate workout has one pod with 7 stations moving in a racetrack format.  One pod consists of an upper body workout and the second consists of a lower body workout. You will move through only one pod of your choice.

For example; station 1 moves to station 2, station 2 moves to station 3, continue this pathway through to station 7, station 7 then moves to station 1 for a second lap. 

This workout begins with an exercise that will be the daily focus (either pause, tempo, or pulse). It then moves straight into a full-body movement before resting.

The timing for Deuces is:

Lap 1: 

  • Set 1 – 40 seconds of ‘focus’ work, followed by 20 seconds of a full body movement, followed by 20 seconds of rest
  • Set 2 – 40 seconds of ‘focus’, followed by 20 seconds of a full body movement, followed by 25 seconds to move stations

Lap 2: 

  • Set 1 – 30 seconds of ‘focus’ work, followed by 15 seconds of a full body movement, followed by 15 seconds of rest
  • Set 2 – 30 seconds of ‘focus’ work, followed by 15 seconds of a full body movement, followed by 25 seconds to move stations

There is a 60-second hydration break after the first lap.


Each week of Deuces has a focus so you can work on progressions for the main split lifts and also provide variety between the weeks:

  • Week 1 Focus: Tempo work into a normal pace
    • The weight selection will need to suit a 4:0:1 tempo for 40 seconds on the first lap. After 40 seconds, you will go straight into a normal pace with the same weight.
  • Week 2 Focus: Pause movements
  • Week 3  Focus: Full movement + half movement
  • Week 4 Focus (final week): Unilateral work

We’re excited for you to try out this new format!


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